I’m QUITE sure that I’m going to eventually be forced to watch The Odd Life of Timothy Green on a plane, and despite the fact that I like most of the people in it, I’m pretty sure it’s going to make me want to stab myself in the face. And honestly, I should have that exact same reaction to this outfit:
And yet I am calmed — lulled by a constant diet of hot Olympians on my television, surely. Sure, sure. It’s a tablecloth over a tube-top romper. Get back to me when you’re wearing a one-legged fur jumpsuit with the nipples cut out and we’ll see if I can work up a head of steam.
How stabby do you feel?
- Why would I stab someone? There are so many delicious abs in the world. (15%, 647 Votes)
- Only medium stabby. So, you know. Like usual. No more stabby than I feel any other time. (45%, 1,975 Votes)
- STABSVIILE (41%, 1,805 Votes)
Total Voters: 4,430