I didn’t even know Paula Patton was in this movie:
Of course, I also have no idea what happens in this movie, given that the ad is basically just Denzel whispering, “make it rain” like he’s at particularly baller strip club. He and Marky Mark work together but hate each other but….???????? Who even knows. I fear I will eventually be forced to watch it on a plane and then I shall report back. All that being said, I fear that Paula has gone Too Big for the premiere of what will at best be a surprisingly entertaining popcorn movie. (It goes without saying that this frock is a hair too small for her; That is now and forever the way she rolls.)
What do you think?
- She looks great! (6%, 279 Votes)
- She looks great, but yeah: this is too much. (36%, 1,620 Votes)
- Too much IS TOO MUCH. All wrong. Go home and try again. (58%, 2,575 Votes)
Total Voters: 4,474
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