Jessica wrote a piece the other day that noted Naomi Watts’ problems making her lower half look as good as the upper.

I think she’s still plagued by it. All that lacy hoo-ha raining down from the diagonal thigh line is too much for me. At least the gauzy glitter draped on her shoulders balances it out a bit, but… I don’t know, this feels really dated and been-there, and the expression of ennui on her face isn’t helping (although I know she did smile the rest of the night). The gown just isn’t transporting me anywhere, except maybe to a Disney princess’s second wedding. I always knew Cinderella would end up dumping a guy who found her so supremely captivating yet in the end could only identify her by her feet. Even picking her out of a crowd based solely on her cleavage would’ve been more flattering.

Am I being too harsh?

  • Yes! It's romantic and lovely (19%, 1,071 Votes)
  • Maybe a little -- it's not perfect but I am not mad at it, either. (49%, 2,725 Votes)
  • No! It's uninspired (32%, 1,753 Votes)

Total Voters: 5,550

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[Photo: Getty]

Tags: Naomi Watts