This whole look is actually a bit Kim Kardashian:

But not in the bad way. It’s just that the slicked-back pony, the deep lip, and a figure-hugging white dress with a jacket thrown over it evokes one of The Lady West’s two default aesthetics — as in, the one where she’s not using her clothes as a window. I think the minimalism is lovely on Dascha, and she looks extremely striking; it’s the abdominal porthole that’s bugging me. It’s not particularly clever, nor stylish, nor whimsical. It’s just there, a small slice of havoc. Like many a Kardashian, in fact.

Your turn:

  • I love this on her (14%, 592 Votes)
  • I love it except for the seemingly random cutout (54%, 2,295 Votes)
  • I have other objections (15%, 640 Votes)
  • I have ALL the objections (16%, 694 Votes)

Total Voters: 4,221

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