Elle is always very generous with its artwork, so because there are MANY Women in Hollywood covers and loads of interior shots to share, I’m splitting it up across two posts. First, we have the cast of Emilia Perez — which has gotten good buzz and also looks BONKERS from some of the clips I’ve seen online, but in a way that makes me want to see it MORE — and Saoirse Ronan (The Outrun, Blitz) and Danielle Deadwyler (The Piano Lesson), all of them considered contenders this awards season.

And accordingly, there’s a story for each. Saoirse Ronan talked, among other things, about being pleased to portray the mess of a person:

I just started watching Hacks, and I’m like, “These girls are selfish. They’re self-involved. They’ve got massive egos, but they always have redeeming qualities.” We’ve gotten into this habit of filtering our personalities so much, reducing them to a line on Instagram or Twitter. And to be able to have the opportunity to go, “Look, this person can be fully formed and have shitty qualities and also redeeming ones, and let’s honor all of that”—I’m at the point in my life where I’m like, “That’s what I want to see onscreen.”

Danielle Deadwyler talked about, appropriately, being a woman in Hollywood:

Being a woman in the industry is the same as being a woman in the world. You have all kinds of hoops and navigations to move through, and inequities. Black women are not as present onscreen as people would presume; the numbers and the data reveal that over time. We’re constantly striving for access and support. We have a crisis of leadership these days. But I think that we’re incessantly making ourselves stand firmly in the spaces that we’re occupying and learning how to advocate for ourselves in a real way.

Selena Gomez tells a cute story about Meryl Streep not being too big for her britches to come in and do her part during other people’s close-ups, and Zoe Saldana gave a really nice shout-out to the casting directors, which you really don’t see often (and which I think reflects that she’s been getting into producing herself):

It was the casting directors—amazing women who are always finding these diamonds in the rough. Where would I have been if it weren’t for these women? They were telling me to come in on a Sunday at 9 A.M., and putting me on tape, telling me, “Don’t do this” and “Do that, and do it again and again.” There were directors and producers who were like, “We want to go traditional, I don’t think she’s right for the part.” And they would be like, “No, no, you need to watch her.”

And now to the art!

[Photos: Saoirse Ronan by Felix Cooper, with story by Veronique Hyland; Karla Sofía Gascón, Selena Gomez and Zoe Saldaña by Cass Bird, with story by Adrienne Gaffney; Danielle Deadwyler by Micaiah Carter, with story by Juliana Ukiomogbe