Cate Blanchett Launches 2011 Main Stage For Sydney Theatre Company
ANDREW UPTON: Darling, I’m so happy to be here with you.
CATE BLANCHETT: Thank you, my love. I got my start at the Sydney Theater company and it’s so nice to be here to open whatever it is that we’re opening. 
ANDREW: Yes. You know what? Let’s stand up for this great moment during which we open whatever it is that we’re opening.

Cate Blanchett Launches 2011 Main Stage For Sydney Theatre Company

ANDREW: On second thought maybe we should sit back down again.
CATE: Why?
ANDREW: Because you look like the walk of shame after a Sherwood Forest wedding.
CATE: But wouldn’t that make a lovely play? Perhaps it could open between In The Next Room (The Vibrator Play), which the wall over my right shoulder tells me is coming here in 2011.
ANDREW: Maybe you can work that scene into Blood Wedding.
CATE: Oh, brilliant idea. You are the best partner a woman could have.
ANDREW: And if I can get you to sit down again, my title will be assured.
CATE: Done.