Back in 2016 — and in early July, so I totally missed this milestone somehow? — Leslie Jones apparently couldn’t get any nibbles on a dress for the Ghostbusters premiere, and tweeted about it a few days before the event. Christian Siriano stepped up an hour later, and the yield was this stunning red gown that echoes Julia Roberts’s big opera debut in Pretty Woman. She looks utterly fabulous, and to prolong the movie comparison, this is her “Big mistake. Big. HUGE” moment. Too many designers then, and now, treat women’s bodies like homework they can’t be bothered to do, and this moment, which came to pass on a short turnaround and I believe a week before his wedding, cemented Christian as an ally who doesn’t think that way.
Christian later said that his clothes get a huge sales boost after Jones wears them, the red dress included — and for her part, Leslie paid the dress forward to Bob the Drag Queen — but he also tried to deflect some of the praise:
“It shouldn’t be exceptional to work with brilliant people just because they’re not sample size,” he wrote. “Congrats aren’t in order, a change is.”
Jones, however, seems thrilled to be working with Siriano on her red carpet look. But she already made it clear that she’s not so quick to move past the original incident. “Hmm, what a difference a tweet makes,” she wrote. “Should I name the designers that didn’t look out? Put y’all ass on blast. You will not get my love later.”
I don’t think she ever did name-and-shame anyone, did she? Well, no matter. If looking good is the best revenge, then she got hers fifty times over, and those dummies KNOW WHO THEY ARE.