This definitely has an elegance to it, and Dakota looks very pretty. But she also looks a bit bland. No nail polish, monochrome makeup, a gym ponytail, and not even a colorful clutch to zazz this up; so, lovely, yes, but also nothing to elevate it from Backyard Wedding to a Childhood Sweetheart Who Is Not Actually That Stoked That She’s So Famous and Is Pretty Sure He Can Change Her, and Will Be Sorely Disappointed In About Six Months When She Is Not Serving Him Hot Meals Every Night at 7. I am not even sure this is the first Dakota I would want to see in it; that distinction might go to Johnson, who tends to do best when she rejects frills and furbelows, whereas I think Fanning can carry a little more edge.

'Please Stand By' premiere, Rome Film Festival, Itlay - 31 Oct 2017

Also: ouch. Be kind to the girls, Dakota, so that later they’ll be kind to you.
