What it says on the tin! Please do not feel like this meal must be fancy — although also please share if it is! — and nor does it need to be good. For example, MANY years ago we had a chat about bad dates and one of you share that you were on a date and at dinner, your date was arrested for murder. So that would definitely count! (If that was you, please know I think of you like every six weeks.)
[Art: Photo by Historia/Shutterstock; Informative Caption reads: “Illustration to Accompany the ‘Letters of Eve’ Gossip Column in the Tatler Showing A Society Dinner Party with Guests Wrapped in Furs Against the Cold and Feasting On A Single Plate of Hot Potatoes – A Humorous Comment On the Food and Coal Shortages Affecting Home Front Britain During the Great War. Illustration by Annie Fish in the Tatler, 14 August 1918.”]