I almost headlined this, “The 80s Were A Wild Time,” but this photo is dated 1991. I’m often surprised when I’m reminded how blurry the lines between decades actually are — my brain always wants to compartmentalize them, as if everyone woke up one morning and a switch flipped, when of course that’s not the case. I will hear a song on 90s on 9 and be like, “ABSOLUTELY NOT, this is from the 80s,” and it isn’t. And then here, Khrystyne Haje of Head of the Class is wearing something that fourth-grade Heather in the late 80s would have thought was BEAUTIFUL and SPECIAL and I’d have envied it deeply…. turns out she wore it when I was heading into 9th grade and most of my classmates had moved onto those spandex floral dresses from Express. Interestingly, she was 23, and a year off being named one of People’s 50 Most Beautiful People; this is an event to raise money for juvenile diabetes, so I wonder if she dressed to appeal to any kids that might be in attendance. Either way, it’s a time capsule… just not of the era that I had assumed.

[Photo: Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images]