'The Town' Premiere, Toronto

JON HAMM: Are you sure?!

BLAKE LIVELY: Yes, I’m SURE, Don. I look sincerely adorable in this dress! Also, I’m so TAN now.

JON: I guess that’s true. Also, I’m not really Don Draper.

BLAKE: Whatever. You are also handsome.

JON: Well, I mean, obviously. But it’s important for people to know that we’re not the same person. I mean…Don has issues. I’m not SPOILER paying hookers to slap me around in the sack. I SWEAR.

BLAKE: Are you SURE you’re not him? Because your names are almost the same.

JON: Um, yeah. Are you secretly someone named Shake Snively?

BLAKE: That doesn’t even make any sense.

JON: That’s my entire point.

BLAKE: Can we talk about my cute outfit now?

JON: Fine. Go.

BLAKE: Even this weird sort of festive Christmas wreath around my hips kind of works. Right?

JON: As confused as I am right now, you totally have a point.

Tags: red, Blake Lively