You’ll be pleased to know that most of her Charlie’s Angels co-stars came out to support Lucy, and unsurprised to know that this grouping does not include Bill Murray. It’s history-making that Lucy is there; she’s only the second Asian woman to be represented, and they put her star next to the first:
The actress received her star on Wednesday, when it was placed next to the star for Asian American trailblazer Anna May Wong, who’s known as the first Chinese American movie star in Hollywood and will reportedly be featured in Liu’s upcoming series “Unsung Heroes.” In her speech, Liu paid homage to Wong. She explained that Asians “have been making movies for a long time.”“We just weren’t making them here because we weren’t invited to the table,” she said. “If my body of work somehow helped bridged the gap between the stereotypical roles first given to Anna May and mainstream success today, I’m thrilled to have been part of that process.”
Get it, Lucy.