First of all, I need to tell you that Nafessa Williams here is a) Jade from Twin Peaks: The Return, whom you might recall was Dougie Jones’s awesome escort from when we first met him, and who was a massive bright spot in that show; and b) a cast member on Black Lightning, the CW superhero show starring Cress “Mayor Lavon Hayes” Williams. I only saw the pilot of that, but rather liked it, and her, and obviously him. So, three cheers to the oeuvre of Nafessa Williams, is what I’m saying. She is super charming and I think we’re going to see a lot more of her.

I didn’t even mean that as a fashion joke. However, sartorially, she is delivering unto us some madness, as if Fug Madness Week needed any more.

[Photos:, Matt Baron/REX/Shutterstock, FeatureflashSHM/REX/Shutterstock]