Blah blah blah people are wearing hats, I’ve been VERY DISTRACTED THIS WEEK.

Oh! We did cover the most recent trailer for The Crown.


I guess Wills had Covid and didn’t tell anyone until recently because they were worried about people wigging out over him and Chaz both being sick at the same time.  [People]

At British Vogue, I shared one of the photos from this below, and we’ve talked about it a bit earlier on the site this week, but it’s very interesting, in case you missed that: HRH The Prince Of Wales Speaks To Edward Enninful About His Lifelong Commitment To Sustainable Fashion.

At Town & Country, this is a super good and interesting piece about royal fashion bloggers.

Also interesting, at Tatler: Lady Kinvara Balfour calls for an end to male primogeniture for hereditary peerages. She is absolutely right, this is ridiculous. 

And this is fascinating, and sad, also at Tatler: The remarkable story of the Muslim Princess who spied for the British during World War II

At Lainey: Will the Queen Abdicate Next Year? There’s been some murmuring about this for the last few weeks and I really REALLY really doubt it but also I do not know anything about anything anymore!

On social:

This is a great pic:

I see Kate has joined the Blue Suits Enthusiasts Club. (I don’t have full-length pics of the rest of her look but it included wide-legged, slightly too-long blue pants. Not my fave!)


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Behind the scenes with the @PrideofBritain Awards — tune in to watch the Awards on Sunday 1st November at 9pm on ITV • The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge presented a Pride of Britain award on behalf of the nation to recognise the incredible work of our NHS frontline staff in the battle against coronavirus. • At St Bartholomew’s, the UK’s oldest hospital, The Duke said: “We cannot thank you enough. On behalf of a grateful nation, it is a tremendous honour for Catherine and I to present a special recognition award to the army of dedicated NHS staff.” • The Duchess added: “Through our conversations with frontline workers during the pandemic, we have been inspired by their stories of bravery and selflessness.” • During lockdown, we joined people up and down the country to applaud the NHS and our keyworkers each week. Their hard work still goes on and we remain indebted to them for all they do.

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I’m enjoying these looks:


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På Kunsthal Charlottenborg i København var Hendes Kongelige Højhed Kronprinsessen i dag til stede ved overrækkelsen af modeprisen Magasin du Nord Fashion Prize 2020.⁣ ⁣ Formålet med Magasin du Nord Fashion Prize er at finde og promovere fremtidens danske modeskabere.⁣ ⁣ Nina Wedell-Wedellsborg, initiativtager til prisen og bestyrelsesmedlem i Wessell & Vetts Fond, bekendtgjorde dette års vinder, som er den danske designer Cecilie Bahnsen. Herefter blev prisen overrakt af Kronprinsessen. Det er ikke første gang, Kronprinsessen får lejlighed til at hædre Cecilie Bahnsen. I 2017 modtog designeren Kronprinsparrets Stjernedryspris af Hendes Kongelige Højhed.⁣ ⁣ I udvælgelsen af årets vinder såvel som de 10 finalister lægger juryens 14 medlemmer vægt på en portfolio, der bærer præg af bæredygtighed og etisk ansvar samt forretningsidéer, innovation og originalitet i design. I år har Magasin du Nord Fashion Prize desuden haft særlig fokus på at inspirere og støtte designerne i håndteringen af de mange Covid-19-relaterede udfordringer.⁣ ⁣ Med hovedpræmien følger et hæderslegat på 200.000 kroner, mens finalisterne modtager et legat på 10.000 kroner. Både vinder og finalister modtager desuden flere mentorforløb fra juryens brancheeksperter.⁣ ⁣ Magasin du Nord Fashion Prize blev lanceret i 2012 af Magasin du Nord Fonden. ⁣ ⁣ Lana Ohrimenko ©️

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Apt for a fashion prize!

[Photos: Shutterstock]