Katy Perry LOVES Halloween and usually whips out a great costume. One year she was a Flaming Hot Cheeto; one year she was a mic drop; in 2016 she was Hillary Clinton; and last year I don’t think she did ANYTHING, so I can only assume she was still depressed about the election. Given that (a) she tends to very specific costumes, (b) we have not yet seen her out and about at an official Halloween event, and (c) she wore this yesterday, October 30th….I don’t think it’s a costume? Maybe it is? (You guys know I’m really bad at identifying costumes, which is a real detriment on this specific week of my job.) I truly hope it is. I cannot live in a world where FULL ON acid-washed denim suits are back. I simply cannot. In part because I have absolutely no idea what happened to my acid-washed Guess denim jacket and I don’t have time to go over to parents’ house and dig around for it right now.