Go Fug Yourself

Oscars Well Played: Ellie Kemper

I was non-committal on Ellie on Sunday night:

But now that I’ve had some time to digest it, I think this look is totally charming, and she looks adorable. Even the back is great:

See? Adorable! Like I just said! I do have one nagging question though.

Is it weird that her dress matches her hair so well?

  • It doesn't bother me. (56%, 5,456 Votes)
  • It didn't bother me until you pointed it out. THANKS. (17%, 1,647 Votes)
  • It HAS ALWAYS BOTHERED ME. (17%, 1,666 Votes)
  • At least they're not both green. (10%, 953 Votes)

Total Voters: 9,723

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