I was just looking at Megan’s IMDb — as one does — and she has a lot of things on her schedule at the moment. It’s hard to tell how much of her current workload is real and how much is VOD, but still. She’s got events to dress for! (This is a photocall for Battle of Jangsari, a South Korean movie about the Korean war; it’s a Korean language film, but she plays an American [the war correspondent Marguerite Higgins, who could use her own biopic frankly] so I assume she is not speaking Korean in the movie. It would be neat if Megan Fox were secretly fluent in Korean, though.) And therefore I am here to pitch something: Let’s get Megan Fox a new stylist. This outfit is FINE but she’s playing a war correspondent. Let’s allow this woman to wear a blazer. I’d love to see her hook up with someone like Karla Welch, who I think would freshen up this whole feeling into something less I’m A Sexy Actress and into more of something like I’m ALSO An Interesting Person.

[Photo: Lee Jae-Won/AFLO/INSTARimages.com]
Tags: Megan Fox