Lily James’s latest movie is a rom-com — or a rom, anyway — about her grappling with her personal life, through the lens of her childhood friend agreeing to let his parents arrange him a marriage in Pakistan. Except it’s called What’s Love Got To Do With It?, a tricky title to pick when it’s already associated with a classic biopic of Tina Turner and a star-making performance from Angela Bassett. Google is cooperating right now by putting this movie front and center, but ONLY atop the main page; every other result is about the 1993 film, including that spot on the sidebar where they bring up the Wikipedia entry. Tough sledding. For how long will Google do them that solid? Don’t make it so hard to find your movie! It’ll get buried for all eternity! This is of course not Lily’s fault, but she IS responsible for rubber-stamping this hair, at least.

[Photos: David Fisher/Shutterstock]