“Ooh, I love this crisp white suit on Katie Holmes,” I said. “She looks sharp! Those pink shoes are a clever choice! Let’s take a closer look,” I said. And you know how there’s that TV trope of someone screaming and it’s so loud and so shrill that all the birds take flight? That’s what happened and the words I screamed will strike cold icy fear into the heart of any Gen Xer: STIRRUP PAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNTTTTTTTTS.

(a) Katie Holmes did these the first time and should know she does not need to go down this road anew, and

(b) I don’t even understand what the point is of the stirrups on these particular pants, beyond an attempt to Reinvent The Pant:

RiseNY Grand Opening celebration, New York, USA - 02 Mar 2022


[Photo by Erik Pendzich/Shutterstock]