First of all, good for Ruth for getting a haircut. Second of all: Alison Brie is UNRECOGNIZABLE with this hair. Truly. She could rob a bank and if the police wondered if perhaps the perp was Trudy from Mad Men, the tellers would emphatically deny it. She looks like a completely different person. (To the point where I actually went to her Instagram to extra-confirm that this is her.)

AFI FEST 2017 presented By Audi

Honestly, I think her head looks great. It’s a credit to her face that she is pulling off that hair. I would look like a tragical tertiary Sweet Valley High character patronized so aggressively by Elizabeth Wakefield that she was eventually forced to leave the country.  As for the rest of her: Oh, Marc Jacobs. Did you forget when this assignment was due? Talk to Wakefield — you know she’s deep into bullet-journaling now, and she’ll sort you out.

[Credit: FayesVision/]