Ah, the Logies. We don’t get comprehensive red carpet coverage, but it’s always a treat to check in annually on what our Down Under friends are up to; in addition, News.au posted an entertainingly scathing review of the show that also included a note on the drama. Apparently an online vote for the Gold Logie winner was hijacked by people who voted to give it to a dude who hosted a cancelled show. I mean, who ever could have predicted that an Internet vote would be unreliable?!? Right.

Also, Kelly Rowland sang a mashup of “Survivor” and one of her own songs with a Voice winner, and was TERRIBLE. She sounded out of breath and flat and hoarse; the Aussie media was brutal: “[Sam] Perry’s voice was like gravel in mud… [Kelly] aimed high with the big final note in Survivor but her voice faltered like a limp balloon. By the end of the performance, she was relying on prerecorded backing vocals and passing the mic to audience members to help pick up the slack.” Watch it! Survivor is the first song so you don’t even have to see the whole thing; that link takes you to it. The first video autoplays (ugh) so just pause it and scroll down to the second.

[Photos: Dan Peled, Regi Varghese/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock]