It’s day two of the strike — go get ‘em, actors and writers; get what’s yours — and we’re reduced to using a photo captioned, “Paula Abdul participates in a motivational Q&A moderated by celebrity dentist Dr. Bill Dorfman.” Okay, in fairness, Dr. Bill Dorfman is also the co-founder of LEAP, a young-adult-focused organization, and that’s primarily what this was for; I just enjoyed what a Mad Lib that sentence felt like. “______ participates in a _____ Q&A moderated by celebrity ______.” It could be anything! Ryan Seacrest, pimple-popping, dry cleaner; Heidi Klum, hypnotism, podiatrist; Tom Cruise, interior design, umbrella-wrangler. I hope we get them all, and that they are ALL in a parade of folksy overalls.

[Photo: Michael Tullberg/Getty Images]
Tags: Paula Abdul