Oh, Kelly MacDonald. I have no issue with you, but I am so annoyed with your Boardwalk Empire character right now. (If you’re not caught up on season two, stop reading or don’t get mad at me for spoiling you in the next couple of sentences.) You started off all HBIC and now you’re in the middle of the most boring religious crisis. Keep sleeping with the hot underlings and hoard valuable land grants for yourself; stop crying in confessionals and giving everything to the Church. Thank you.

And now on to your frock:

I actually love it, and I want to wear it for a climatic dinner scene in my theoretical 1930s English Countryhouse Weekend Party Comedy-Drama-Murder?? film I’m always rattling on about (I think, by this point, it has a cast of thousands, from Hot Neville as the cocky smart-ass ne’er-do-well heir who of course has a secret heart of gold and hidden sexy depths, to Helena Bonham Carter to Haley Atwell to someone we decided to cast as the sassy American girl who pops in to stir things up that I can’t remember right now). My appearance at the dinner table will be like how Stephanie Meyers popped up at the wedding scene in Twilight, except the camera won’t linger on me for way too long and hopefully when I am watching this movie, I won’t say aloud to the dismay of the girls in front of me, “oh, get over yourself.”  The difference is that hopefully, unlike poor Kelly, I will have someone to fix my hair and also I will not forget my giant fantastic cuff bracelet, the better to rattle over martinis with.

But the dress. I still COVET. Do you?

  • No. It's HORRID. (7%, 666 Votes)
  • Eh. It's fine. (34%, 3,195 Votes)
  • Yes. It's divine! (59%, 5,551 Votes)

Total Voters: 9,413

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