Doesn’t “2024” feel like a fake year? I know it is real but it just sounds like a year in a movie to me. Is this an existential crisis?!

In case you missed it, the Oscar noms are out and we had a robust convo about them. I also rounded up a bunch of cool Lunar New Year things!

At Drinks With Broads: This week’s Traitors was GREAT; Sotheby’s and CFDA auctioned off some very interesting stuff and Heather reviews The Brothers Sun; and we talked about our most parasocially beloved celeb couples and the new J. Lo movie. Next week kicks off recaps of the new season of Feud, and I’m currently writing an explainer of all the swans that should come your way on Tuesday. It’s gonna be DISHY.

Lainey brings us the new trailer for the Jake Gyllenhaal reboot of Roadhouse, a truly wild sentence to type.

This was a fun — and surprisingly mostly wholesome! — thread at Reddit, where everyone shares what went wrong on their wedding day.

This one is also fun: What was your wildest impulse buy at Costco? I LOL’ed at the top (at the moment) response: “My husband came home with the orange, blowup, personal watercraft that has oars. Its meant for fishing or hunting. He doesn’t fish or hunt and has no way to transport a personal watercraft. He assembled the entire thing and it has sat in our garage untouched for over 6 months. We park our car outside of the garage now because of this impulse buy. It was ~$500 with tax.”

This is one of the most UNHINGED Captain Awkward letters I have ever seen. The Captain’s response is perfect.

T&C asks, Do Celebrities Have Private Lives Anymore? This piece is so juicy and good!

I love that Lainey is asking the right questions about Taylor Swift’s schedule right now: About packing.

A great interview at Vanity Fair: Simone Biles Talks Marriage, WAG Life With Taylor Swift, and the Paris Olympics

Pajiba reports John Oliver Is ‘Surprised’ that Jon Stewart Is Returning to ‘The Daily Show’. (But not mad about it!)

I clicked on this so fast: What the Ultrarich Wear to the Grocery Store. [NYT, gifted link]

Also at the NYT: The F.D.A. Warned an Asthma Drug Could Induce Despair. Many Were Never Told. I am (intermittently) on this drug! I definitely knew it could cause aggression, because I remember reading that one of the side effects is “irrational rage” and I joked to Heather, “how am I supposed to know it’s irrational?” (It feels apt to note that this was in 2016.) FWIW, it DOES make me cranky and I call it my “rage drug,” so I only take it when my asthma is very bad. (I do not need it daily.) If your kids are on Singular, please be aware — these effects are stronger in kids.

Love a heist! Chauffeurs accused of stealing $34M from Oregon publishing magnate in ‘colossal heist’. [The Oregonian]

This is very pertinent to my interests: Law and Order: SVU Celebrity Guest Stars, Ranked. [Vulture]

Architectural Digest takes us Inside the Most Expensive Hotel Room in the World

Finally, we had some fun chats here this week, including one where we all talked about what we’re currently shopping for and our favorite cozy recipes.

Photo by Harlingue/Roger Viollet via Getty Images