This happened over the weekend, but far be it from me to keep you from Idris Elba in a tight polo shirt, the likes of which he will probably wear when he dashes out to get you a pizza:

Once you can tear yourself away, we should talk about Naomie. In short, I suspect this is something that many of us would like, theoretically, to wear, but are actually concerned that we’d look totally ridiculous — or, at least, sort of squat — in it. It’s hard to yank that cropped cardigan out of the closet without evoking L’Eau de 90s Houseparty, and the skirt is clearly made of wallpaper, albeit wallpaper that I adore.

Do you think the whole is great than the sum of its parts?

  • I do! Fabulous as a complete look. (61%, 6,536 Votes)
  • I think it's great AND I think these pieces work on their own. (17%, 1,819 Votes)
  • I'm sorry, that cropped sweater has GOT to go. (19%, 1,994 Votes)
  • Get rid of it ALL. (3%, 286 Votes)

Total Voters: 10,635

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