Appropriately, this is for a Netflix film called Back in Action; this is the movie that Foxx was wrapping up when he had his stroke, so I imagine it feels sweet for him to be able to attend its premiere. (Here, in Berlin; I assume the LA celebrations are rightfully scuttled for the moment.) He is also the person who convinced Cameron Diaz — his Annie co-star — to come back to movie-making for this project. I cannot imagine it’s great but Cameron Diaz (AND Jamie Foxx actually) is pretty watchable in anything — she’s even likeable in the truly wretched The Sweetest Thing, one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I am happy she is back! I will not dwell on the fact that I think this coat is overwhelming on her! I’m just pleased to see her! (And Foxx looks GREAT.) STAY FOR A WHILE, CAMERON.