Please keep casting her in movies, Hollywood, because her Instagrams are so damned informative. I wonder if this account will stay with her, or migrate to being about another actress next. But for now, let’s bat clean-up here on the rest of Emma’s outfits:

This dress wouldn’t be much without the gigantic black tie, but it looks so strange WITH it. Evidently Emma is very into Things That Knot right now, as we saw her in one de la Renta with a sash tied around it, and now this, and what you’ll see below:

I wonder what the professional psychological analysis of that would be. Are you stressed, Emma? Could someone please get the young miss a massage?

Of note: If you think she’s worn those pants before, it’s because she did, in Paris. Reusing is a form of recycling, after all. I assume Kate Middleton sent her a card with a photo of George fist-bumping Charlotte inside it.

But seriously, Emma REALLY LOVES a jumpsuit. Or separates. She is looking into pants right now like she’s a cop trying to narrow down the murder suspects. I would have liked the above much more without the sleeves on strings. Marionettes are not shirts.

Sidebar: Who told Emma ONLY to look to her right in photos? Child, your face is good from every conceivable angle. Anyway, I like the idea of this vintage suit in theory. But Getty Images caught it in motion and it comes off a bit clunky, like she’s the kid at the end of Big who’s shrinking back to age 13 as he walks home from his older girlfriend’s car (and can we also say, I am still waiting for the sequel that deals with how Elizabeth Perkins’ character coped with learning she’d been sleeping with, in essence, a child? Let’s not gloss over how dark a thing THAT was to do to her).


And THAT dark note concludes what has been an all-over-the-place post for your Friday afternoon.  What can I say? There is always a lull between the Oscars and Fug Madness, and one has to amuse oneself however one can. For me, it was soap opera reminiscing and probing questions about Tom Hanks movies.