Go Fug Yourself

Fug Nation’s Favorite 15 Posts of 2015

In which we take a look back at the year and see which posts were most widely read by you, Fug Nation.* Here’s what I’ve learned about y’all: You like costumes and dudes and and magazines and princesses and Downton and Mad Men and ladylike outfits and also sometimes nudity. Let’s revisit your favorites!

*A note on methodology: I removed stuff like our holiday gift guide from contention (because it’s toooooo late), and also took out all Royals Round-Ups (just because otherwise there would be a lot of random Royals Round-Ups on this list), and all the Best/Worsts of awards season; this is also sort of skewed because a longer slideshow obviously gets more eyeballs, so I had to do some cross-referencing of things. Now you know.

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