As we move into the heart of spring, I — like my forebear Carrie Bradshaw — could not help but wonder: What are you doing for your garden this year? By which I mean: Your actual garden, your patio garden, your community garden, that windowsill that gets good light, wherever you are trying to grow things. Personally, I am diving back into the world of attempting to grow tomatoes in pots, even though SOMETHING keeps eating them. (I bought what I can only describe as a sheer bag to put over there to try to deter this SOMETHING.) I’m also trying to bring an olive tree back to life, but I think it’s a lost cause. I’m continuing to cultivate a jasmine vine, and I will definitely be staring at my gardenia plant for several minutes each day to make sure it will actually flower. I’m also trying to keep my rosemary plant alive — so far, so good. What’s your green thumb up to?