Just for fun, let’s start with the shoes, partly because WordPress inserted them in this order and I decided it created an aura of mystery.

Amanda Seyfried

They’re by Jimmy Choo, they are TERRIBLY cute, and they would’ve looked awesome with a dark pedicure. They also look GREAT with her outfit, which any number of other starlets would’ve worn with pointy-toed white pumps, and bless her for not doing it because she is CORRECT.

This is so cheerful and cute. That skirt makes me think of a really good summer party, the kind that Blake Lively would probably ruin on Preserve by assigning someone to write about it using phrases like “quotidian clink of ice-on-Solo cup” and “citrus-inflected bacchanal” before concluding that the modern mixologist is no different than a well-intentioned Hogwarts potions master. In the Potterverse’s honor, I say, “Accio outfit.”

[Photos: Splash, Getty]