One thing we’ve learned via almost two years (!) of flashback posts: The studios used to make people do all kinds of weird promotional photo ops, and Christmas was no exception. From posing with tiny trees to nearly invisible trees to sitting in a box to whatever the heck Peter Lorre is up to here, we’ve got it all. Consider it my season’s greetings to you.

[Photos: John Kobal Foundation/Getty Images, Hulton Archive/Getty Images, George W. Hales/Fox Photos/Getty Images, Clarence Paul Richee/Hulton Archive/Getty Images, Pictorial Parade/Getty Images, Silver Screen Collection/Hulton Archive/Getty Images, Echoes/Redferns, GAB Archive/Redferns, 20th Century-Fox/Getty Images, Ivo Meldolesi/Mondadori via Getty Images, Reinhard-Archiv/ullstein bild via Getty Images, John Springer Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images, ullstein bild/ullstein bild via Getty Images, Margaret Chute/Getty Images, general Getty Images]