Well, if nothing else, Christie Brinkley looks like a kick.

I mean, if I could handle standing next to her without wanting to carve off my haggy face and wire my jaw shut, she looks like a good person to corner by the bar and drink champagne with while you whisper about how long Ellen Barkin went on for, and whether it’s good form to ask Angela Lansbury for Jessica Fletcher’s autograph. So, for my money, this dress is well chosen just for how she can pose with it in a way that ignites the gossipy flame in my heart of tar.

But, there is always a front. Let’s go there.

That is some MAJOR Texas Socialite hair. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, given that I grew up on Dallas. I mean, little Lucy Ewing would be drooling in envy and Sue Ellen would stagger up and ask Christie whether she could fit an entire bottle of bourbon in that thing. The main issue, for me, is whether this dress should have been allowed to do that to Christie’s chest. It makes her girls look like south-migrating deltoids.

Your call:

  • Fug (14%, 1,271 Votes)
  • Fab (14%, 1,233 Votes)
  • ... well, FUN, anyway. (72%, 6,480 Votes)

Total Voters: 8,984

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