I am sort of obsessed with Lisa Ann Walter, the EP of Dance Your Ass Off, who was also the Wise and Sassy Housekeeper in The Parent Trap: Lohan Version.

NBC Universal's 2010 TCA Summer Party - Arrivals

She’s multi-talented, obviously: in addition to all the EPing, she’s also acting in some projects coming up this year, AND she can walk in those shoes without crashing head first into the step-and-repeat and taking the whole thing over with her. Plus, she hasn’t given any statement to the media about how sad she is about Lindsay’s little trip to the pokey, nor has she allowed herself to be talked into giving Mel B’s DYAO hosting job to Lilo. (In fairness, I saw I Know Who Killed Me and Lindsay CAN NOT DANCE anything off. Also, Mel B would probably cut her for taking her livelihood and I don’t care what Linds is learning about brawling in the joint, I would NEVER bet against a Spice Girl.) She is also brave enough to go out wearing the felt decorations from the local Pre-K’s bulletin board. In short: I feel Lisa Ann has a lot to teach me, and I look forward to reading her autobiography.