FYI, neither Nicole Kidman nor Miranda Lambert walked the red carpet for this one — I’m not totally surprised by Nicole; she usually does this stuff, but maybe she and Keith just wanted to get inside and get good seats. I am a little surprised that Miranda didn’t walk the red carpet. Ladies! We want to admire you! Let us!
I’m mostly peevish that Nicole didn’t walk the red carpet because I caught 2/3rds of a movie she was in with Robert Pattinson yesterday — Queen of the Desert, which was a beautiful mess that was apparently bedeviled by production issues — and I wanted to talk about it. There is nothing like turning on your TV in the middle of the day to see R Pattz in full Lawrence of Arabia gear. It’s a shame because Gertrude Bell, the woman the movie is about, has a FASCINATING story, and Kidman is good in it AND LOOK AT THAT! I talked about it anyway. Take that, CMAs.