I am VERY excited by the return of Top of the Lake. (If you didn’t watch the first season, I very much recommend it.) I’m also sincerely excited by how much Nicole Kidman we’re getting on TV lately, not to mention that we’re getting another dash of Gwendoline Christie. (I’m always happy to see the erstwhile Peggy Olsen, I hope it goes without saying.) I’m also sort of amused by how everyone interpreted the dress code for its event at TCAs over the weekend: Elisabeth and Nicole went full Garden Party, Gwendoline decided to opt for Glamazon 30s Afterparty, and Alice Englert (who you may remember from Beautiful Creatures; she is also Jane Campion’s daughter, and this is Jane’s project) chose to adopt Girl Cleaning Out Garage Happens Upon Shoes She Forgot She Owns. It’s quite a potent cocktail.

[Photo: Getty]