The Critics Choice Awards, in my opinion, should have tried to swoop in way harder and faster and bigger to steal the Golden Globes’s spot, and make it harder for them to come back from their exile. The critics lend a lot more legitimacy to a win than the HFPA. Maybe that CW contract was too iron-clad for them to woo NBC? Still, the celebs didn’t shy away; the red carpet was robust and interesting, and DANIEL RADCLIFFE WON FOR THE WEIRD AL MOVIE. Ahem. Sorry, I just had to get that out there. I was typing “JUSTICE FOR DANRAD” into my chat window with Jessica, in anticipation of a loss, and then he won and I got to delete it and scream. He is so committed and funny in that.
Anyway. The fashion. Right. We’ve definitely had way MORE sheers in the past, but it feels like on balance we’ve also recently had way fewer of them. Some are sheer, some want you to think they’re sheer, and some — like Quinta Brunson — may not intentionally have been sheer but slid into this category nonetheless. Lily James’s dress honestly might have hit the unlikely trifecta by being all three?