How do we feel about this, Fug Nation? I’ll tell you my thoughts, because I’m pushy like that: Great hair, but totally forgettable gown, except for the slit that goes up so high it’s practically barging in on the peace summit between her pubic bone and her hip. Maybe that’s why she spent the whole night wrangling that slit like the rent was due. Child, we see it. We can’t NOT see it. For the love of God, don’t SWISH IT, because I really, really don’t want a reason to finish the dirty limerick that is starting to form in my head.

Is it THAT annoying?

  • No. The dress is great. (5%, 621 Votes)
  • It's a TOUCH high, but I'll give it a pass. (15%, 1,868 Votes)
  • But in five more paces we might be qualified to be. (7%, 843 Votes)
  • It's bad REGARDLESS of the slit. (25%, 3,075 Votes)
  • Whither the color? (3%, 411 Votes)

Total Voters: 12,512

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[Photos: Getty]