For as cracked-out as Stella McCartney herself looked, she did a nice job dressing our once-and-possibly-future Fug Nemesis Maggie Gyllenhaal here:

The color is pretty, the neckline is nice, and Maggie pulled out some soft hair minus her usual treadmill wisps. At the moment, I’m feeling it.

But from this angle, suddenly her torso looks all wonkus, like one boob drank Alice’s magical shrinking potion and the other has been eating all the Mad Hatter’s crumpets. I don’t mind a little asymmetry if it’s flattering, but I can’t discern whether this is a misguided idea or just an optical illusion wherein my eyes are playing tricks on me, because they’re upset that I make them look at so much fug day in and day out. I would worry they might go on strike, but they can’t; they’re not union-eyesed. HA. Oh, God, make me stop.

I'll throw it to the people:

  • LOVE (42%, 3,940 Votes)
  • LOVED, and am now simply a bit confused (48%, 4,484 Votes)
  • YUCK (10%, 942 Votes)

Total Voters: 9,366

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