Well, I can say with certainty ONE thing that’s happening: Her right shoe has come unbuckled and the ankle strap is flapping about inconveniently. Other than that… Jennifer Hudson is really excellent at deploying a bombshell of a smile no matter how epically putrid a scrolldown she commits. But this one might be the thing that overshadows her ace. The sleeves are almost as long as the skirt. It is poofy and it is LOUD and it is MICRO and there isn’t an ’80s soap that ever existed that wouldn’t treat this as one blouse. And it’s going to ride up the more she moves, and when she sits down it’s going to upset her hygienic balance. It is a betrayal. This garment will leak your most private secrets, and hit on your partner, and steal recipes from the Food Network and pretend it invented them. It is a toxic relationship. FREE YOURSELF, JENNIFER.
[Photo: WENN]