This whole outfit on Jennifer Lopez is a mish-mash, made worse by Clayton Davis of Variety looking dapper next to her. This was at an event to celebrate Unstoppable and also reflect on J.Lo’s larger career, so maybe she’s just… pulling items from different eras?!? But it’s so sartorially slapdash. That is a very lazy sheer blouse with a distracting neck bow, paired with what looks for all the world like half of a classic Tom Ford suit or a knockoff thereof, and then some mediocre denim. During Bennifer: Redux, J.Lo dug out these ultra-low jeans from what appeared to be her stash of memories from Bennifer 1.0. I assumed these had been turned to ash, perhaps on a night she and Leah Remini reconciled over a bonfire on which she hurled these pants, never to be worn again. BUT NO. She must really love them. She keeps going back to them, even if she shouldn’t. She can’t resist the lure of… oh, God, girl, don’t DO IT, do NOT let Ben back into your house.

[Photo: Jerod Harris/Variety via Getty Images]