Go Fug Yourself

Golden Globes Fug or Fab: Zooey Deschanel

Mostly, I’m putting this up to a vote because it feels like it might be polarizing. It is not my cup of tea, but maybe my democratic impulse is a result of Kelly Osbourne’s face exploding in her eagerness to laud this.

I think if the skirt were navy, and also possibly a more straightforward fabric without any sparkles in it, the shoes and the shirt would stand out more with their elegant specialness. It needs a kick of visual interest. As it is, it all manages to run together and yet ALSO look, to me, like she threw on a fancy tee over an already-complete ballet-princess gown,. She nailed the makeup, though, which is a tougher landing to stick these days than it should be. Maybe THAT is what’s ALSO making me merciful.

Vote before I become cruel and outright fug it:

  • It's full fug (37%, 6,622 Votes)
  • It's a scrolldown/an unfugging situation (40%, 7,196 Votes)
  • It's full FAB (23%, 4,205 Votes)

Total Voters: 18,023

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[Photo: Getty]

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