We talk a lot here about how celebrities and their stylists often like to tell a story through the looks selected for a specific press tour. Sometimes that story is, “NO I’M A SERIOUS ARTISTE” and sometimes it’s “I was once a child star but now I’m SEXY” and sometimes it is “Dior pays me a fuck-ton of money to wear whatever they send me!” and sometimes it is “I am getting paid to wear Louis Vuitton, but my team was smart enough to negotiate a deal where I don’t have to do it every single time I leave the house, and therefore there will be whole stretches of this promotional tour where I just look like an interesting intellectual professional with a varied wardrobe of Chic Subtle Lady Outfits.” I think you can guess which category Emma Stone falls into at the moment.

[Photos: Todd Williamson/January Images/REX/Shutterstock]