This photo… it was delivered unto me on a digital cloud made of giggles.

It’s not even that the outfit is so awful. It’s fine. It’s dripping with fashion. Which is the point of this awards night, so fine. But, and I don’t know how to say this nicely so I’ll just come right out: It’s a very studied attempt to look Extremely Interesting, from someone who, at least on Scorpion, is as flavorful as wet bread (or, her public persona, at least; for all I know, in private, she is The Most Interesting Woman In The World). The whole thing REEKS of editrix, or as if Katharine McPhee desperately wants you to mistake her for Jenna Lyons, and… it’s a nice try, but I am not sure Extremely Interesting is her destiny. It ends up looking like a costume.


  • Directional! (24%, 782 Votes)
  • Delusional (76%, 2,521 Votes)

Total Voters: 3,303

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[Photo: Getty]