I was looking for something else and I stumbled upon this and I totally forgot whatever it was I was originally looking for, because I need to ask you something. First, some background info:

(a) this was in 1985

(b) it was not, as far as I could tell from the other photos, a costume party, although it WAS on or around Halloween. (The dates on the photo don’t match the dates of the newspaper coverage. As best I can tell, this was snapped at party for Prince Albert and Princess Stephanie that was hosted in Los Angeles while they were here for a few days with Prince Ranier and Princess Caroline on a trip that was the subject of this VERY dishy write up in the Los Angeles Times that I really need you to read because it’s truly like an excerpt from Scruples. I assume everyone involved did a lot of cocaine. At the party, not the paper. I mean, maybe both.)

(c) Jem and the Holograms premiered a mere three weeks prior to this.

My pressing question: Was Morgan Fairchild an early-adopting Jem and the Holograms stan? Or did she just dress like this? OR DID EVERYONE JUST DRESS LIKE THIS? I’m distraught that we cannot see her shoes.

[Photo: Getty Images]