Joe Wright’s latest film is Cyrano, and Haley here — also his partner — is starring as Roxanne, reprising a role opposite Peter Dinklage that they apparently both played in a musical. (Is THIS a musical? I don’t think so…?) So maybe this dress is a metaphor, wherein she’s daring you, too, to judge the book by its cover, or a dress by its exoskeleton. Unfortunately, in this instance we don’t get to see the potential beauty within very clearly. I THINK I might have liked it? It looks like it is probably really romantic and dishy, and then… the cage. I’m sure this was a labor of love for the designer, but that extreme architecture — it’s very “LOOK AT ALL THE CONSTRUCTION I DID!” —  feels like a combo of senior thesis and Met Gala, either of which would have been better venues, I think. I assume she detached the skirt so she could sit and watch the movie; I wish she’d done it for a second on the carpet, too.

[Photo: Wiktor Szymanowicz/NurPhoto/Shutterstock]