Naomie is in the lauded Moonlight, which means we have a good shot at seeing more of her come The Season. That’s excellent news; she’s fast becoming the person I most hope will attend any given event. Just look at this.

There is no color anywhere, ever, that gives her pause. (Nor should there be; they all seem to look great on her, because she has been kissed by the gods.) This dress is a shot of caffeine on a sluggish Monday, and she hit at LEAST a double with those shoes.

But this next one, the Herrera, is the one I love most:

Weirdly I think this dress comes as close as anything to overshadowing her — it might be that she needs a better lipstick with it? — but I LOVE IT. Blue and white stripes don’t have to be Breton-flavored to be our catnip.

[Photos: Getty]