Go Fug Yourself

Well Played: Kate, Wills and George’s Royal Tour of Australia and New Zealand, Day Three

In which other babies are met (or, as I believe William put it on the livefeed of this Baby Meet And Greet, per Twitter — my own livefeed kept cutting out and then coming back to a shot of like, a CHAIR, which was not helpful for me from any kind of satisfyingly voyeuristic perspective, like, if I want to see a chair, I can go into my own dining room, people! –“there are babies everywhere!”) For those who care (so…all of you reading this, presumably) Kate’s back in something very Classic Kate (not to mention a very New Zealand-appropriate black and white), the baby is dressed like a baby (in a little romper with a sailboat [!!] smocked on it; more details here from our friends at What Would Kate Do?), and William looks, you know, like William, all blue shirt-sleeves-y and William-ish. Anyway, get ready for some cute baby pictures. I kept thinking I was done downloading them and then…I don’t know. I just downloaded more. I apologize in advance. Look, I just love the cheeks of tiny people. I admit it. I hate jumpsuits, but I love babies. Put it on my tombstone.

(PS: In case you missed it, coverage of day one of this tour is here. You can always find all of our royals coverage in our header, under Royals. All of Wills & Kate is here, in case you need to, I don’t know, bookmark it. I DON’T KNOW YOUR LIFE, and I’d never judge you. I watched a livefeed of a chair.)

[Photos: Splash, Getty Images]

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