The US National Figure Skating Championships were this past weekend, and we have much to discuss from the world of ice skating. I love Karen Chen; Ashley Wagner lives! What’s wrong with US Pairs? And so on. Also, never forget: We always want your skating gossip and your skating knowledge, as I know Fug Nation has deep foundations in both.
As a programming note, I’m only covering the top three (or, in a couple of cases, four) finishers in each event; this is how I always do it unless someone further down in the standings wears something insanely bonkers, which didn’t happen this year. (If I don’t put a cap on it, I will murder our photo budget and also I will never stop typing.) Having said that: please feel free to discuss any and all skaters, even if they didn’t end up in the slideshow. Who do you love? Who do you hate? Who are you pulling for? Who do you want to fall down a well? Etc.
Also: I must give credit where it is due. Thank you, NBC. The commenting teams of Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir, and Tanith White — both aided by Terry Gannon — are excellent right now. All of those skaters are a huge value add, and none of them are hesitant to actually explain technical facts, nor do they treat the audience like we’re incapable of understanding the nuances of the sport. Bringing in Scott Hamilton for occasional color, and keeping Andrea Joyce interviewing the skaters, gives us all some continuity. It’s really solid right now. Yay!
[Photos: Getty]