Given that she’s in the new Peter Rabbit adaptation (she voices Flopsy), this seems like the best place for me to unleash my current minor rant about that movie, which is that it seems nuts to me that a PETER RABBIT MOVIE needs to be rated PG. If anything should be rated G, should it not be Peter freaking Rabbit? Does the world need a snarky Peter Rabbit movie? Does it really? I know this makes me sound like an old person, but the marketing materials are calling this adaptation “irreverent” and “contemporary” and just, like, I’m tired. Babe is G-rated! IT’S GOOD ENOUGH FOR BABE, AN AMAZING MOVIE ABOUT A PIG.

Anyway. I do like Margot’s bag.

[Photos: Apega/, Chelsea Lauren/REX/Shutterstock,  Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/REX/Shutterstock]