I realize this headline is snarky and, of course, it is. HOWSOEVER, I need to note that:

  1. I like Lea Michele, and I think she is talented.
  2. I also think she needs something diverting to occupy her time at the moment, because the last few occasions upon which we’ve seen her, she’s been sporting this sort of stunned expression, and also a fair amount of sheer fabric, leading me to believe that she’s in a spiral of longing for attention while also being out of practice of actually getting it. Is this a side-effect of Scream Queens not being a hit? Can I blame Ryan Murphy?
  3. Per IMDb, she is set to appear in something called Dimension 404, which is apparently a scifi anthology for Hulu, which is all well and good, but which is presumably a one-off; and I know she’s been cast in a pilot, but you know. Those things are not guaranteed! ANYTHING could happen.
  4. As we may all recall, Lea Michele can really sing. I wish she’d get a gig on stage again — preferably here in Los Angeles, so I can more easily benefit — and belt it out for a couple of months. This is just honestly something I would enjoy, and ergo #4 here is a totally selfish bullet point.
  5. Blah blah blah lined yadda yadda yadda sheer.

[Photo: Getty Images]